Solution Epsilon

Solution Epsilon
Original Name
Romaji Name
Soryushan Ipushiron
Place of Origin
Yggdrasil, The Great Tomb of Nazarick
Date of Birth
166.00 cm
Blood Type
Submitted By
Popularity # 1257
Like # 1243
Trash # 1443

Solution Epsilon is a slime battle maid and a member of the "Pleiades Six Stars," the battle maid squad of the Great Tomb of Nazarick. She was created by Herohero. Solution is a blonde beauty with spiral curls and blue eyes, and clothing that emphasizes her sex appeal. The top of her maid uniform is designed to open easily, so Solution can absorb victims into her body. She is said to rival the most beautiful woman in the Re-Estize Kingdom, the Golden Princess. As she is of the slime race, Solution can change her appearance as she wishes. Solution thinks of humans as food and toys. She loves to swallow humans alive and enjoys the suffering and the struggling of her victims. Solution tends lure to lustful men who are after her body in with a literal boobytrap by exposing her chest to them, tricking them into touching her so that she can then absorb them thereafter. She does not mind the screams of humans during their last moments before consuming her victims with her body. She is, along with Narberal Gamma, one of the two "extremely dangerous" Pleiades. She is also good at disguising her nature, acting like a childish and rude lady when she is out getting information with Sebas. It seems that her true nature is quite logical, which is suggested by her complaint about the inefficient behaviors of Sebas or Entoma. She is willing to meet and face her superior and someone a lot stronger than her with force if she feels that their actions disregard Nazarick's benefits or bring danger to Nazarick. She is able to independently make decisions on her own when needed and even betray her superior if she feels that they are obstructing Nazarick's plans.

slime girl maid curly hair slime girl
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