Supreme Kai of Time

Supreme Kai of Time
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Appears In
Dragon Ball
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Chronoa, the Supreme Kai of Time (時の界王神 Toki no Kaiōshin, lit. "Worlds' Kings' God of Time"), is a deity who watches over the flow of time from the cosmos. She is mentioned in Dragon Ball Online as the Lord of Time (界王時間 Kaiōjikan, lit. "Worlds' King of Time") and is a major character in the Xenoverse series. Chronoa is a short and petite Kaioshin of a youthful and pretty appearance with pinkish-red hair and pink/purple skin. Like most Kaioshin she wears a pair of Potara earrings and robes similar to the worn by the Kaioshin on the Sacred World of the Kai, though it has a more casual design. Her outfit also sports a pair of high heeled boots, which may be to compensate for her short stature, as she is also noticeably shorter than Future Trunks and Goku. Despite her young appearance, she is at least 75 million years old and was alive during the time period when Beerus sealed Old Kai in the Z-Sword, which would make her one of the oldest known living Kaioshin. In Xenoverse 2, Elder Kai reveals that he is about 1,000 years older than her, indicating she is the second oldest Supreme Kai living in Universe 7. Despite her role, Chronoa has a friendly, good-natured, if somewhat sassy personality most of the time. Befitting her somewhat childlike appearance, Chronoa can be prone to angry outbursts, like when Tokitoki ruined her introduction to the Future Warrior by perching on her head causing her to angrily yell at the divine bird for sitting on her head and making her look foolish in front of them. She, however, is quite benevolent as she allowed Future Trunks' alterations to remain as she understood Trunks' intentions were noble and ultimately for the greater good. However this did not stop her from deceiving Xeno Trunks into working for her by claiming it was to make up for his sin of using the Time Machine to alter history, when in reality he had actually committed no crime and Chronoa just really needed an assistant, though it is implied that Chronoa didn't think Trunks would take her words as seriously as he did. Chronoa is also shown to think quite highly of herself to the point she believes the meals she cooks are fit for a god, when in reality she is a notoriously horrible cook (it is implied that her poor cooking skills are well known as Whis immediately stopped reaching for a pudding cup when he realized it had been made by her). In fact, her cooking is known to taste awful and give people stomach cramps (capable of putting even the likes of Goku out of action). She, however, is oblivious to this as she mistook Whis' criticism of her cooking (which enraged Beerus to the point that it ironically almost result in another alteration to the history of Age 778), as a compliment and seemed oblivious to the fact that she almost caused another time distortion due to angering Beerus to the point Whis claims that the God of Destruction was capable of extinguishing at least two suns. Chronoa is also a terrible housekeeper as there is a lot of junk around her home in the Time Nest; it is implied that she can be somewhat lazy as she apparently dislikes doing things that require a lot of work, as she is quick to pawn off the task of searching through all the Time Scrolls to find where the wormhole had sent Broly and Bardock to her assistant Xeno Trunks in Xenoverse, left the time rifts in Conton City open as they were mostly stable and eventually decided to just leave them in Conton City permanently after the 2nd Future Warrior recovers all of Towa's Distorted Time Eggs. She also chose to build Conton City on top of the ruins of Toki Toki City instead of rebuilding it after it was destroyed by the Conton City Dragon she accidentally created as it would be a lot faster. In Xenoverse 2 after an update, due to someone (implied to be Elder Kai) complaining the Expert Mission rifts scattered throughout Conton City were an eyesore, Chronoa decides to merge all the weakened rifts into one big rift which she places near the Time Machine Station to allow the Time Patrol to use the completed Expert Missions for training as a compromise, though she tells the Future Warrior that it would be dangerous to combine any of the rifts that have yet to be weakened so any rifts that have not been weakened will remain in their normal location until its Expert Mission is completed and the rift is weakened, causing it to be merged with the large Expert Mission rift. She chooses to do this instead of simply closing the rifts which are implied would be too much work for her, thus indicating that unless absolutely necessary, she tends to prefer finding solutions or compromises to problems that allow her to avoid less work while at the same time benefiting herself or the Time Patrol, the latter of which she can use to justify said decisions due to it being beneficial to everyone. However, despite these quirks, in her role as the Supreme Kai of Time Chronoa takes threats to history like Demigra and the Time Breakers' seriously, to the point she was quick to remind both Elder Kai and Xeno Trunks that Towa is still a threat after the 2nd Future Warrior prevents Towa from killing Shenron in Age 850. She is also very protective of the Time Nest and Time Vault, as she refuses to allow anyone (even Beerus) to fight near it out of fear it could be damaged or destroyed. She is also shown to be more willing to take action during these times to the point she (with the assistance of Elder Kai) takes on the arduous task of searching through all the Scrolls looking for the source of the massive time distortion caused by Towa killing Shenron in Age 850, while sending Xeno Trunks and the 2nd Future Warrior to check on Conton City. She is also extremely protective of Tokitoki and its eggs, which is one of her duties as Supreme Kai of Time, thus she takes her role very seriously during these situations. Outside of these serious situations, Chronoa is more laid back and will take her time dealing with less serious threats or allow others to take care of it for her while she attends to other matters. Despite her high opinion of her abilities and herself, she does not consider herself to be above everyone as she is friendly to the Time Patrollers that work under her and even accepts a Time Patroller's invitation to have tea together. Despite pawning off tasks to others at times, she is still considerate enough to reward people for their efforts such as Xeno Trunks and the Future Warriors, though unfortunately she often chooses to reward them with food she had cooked, to the point Xeno Trunks convinced her that he preferred convenience store lunches to avoid eating it. Xeno Trunks attributes her friendly nature to living alone in the Time Nest with only Tokitoki to keep her company in the centuries before the foundation of the Time Patrol. Chronoa is also shown to have a keen interest in technology, often asking Xeno Trunks about various inventions supplied by the Future Capsule Corporation, and has various pieces of technology lying around in the yard in front of her house. Xeno Trunks also reveals that she once caused a cleaning robot to blow a fuse when she asked it too many questions and finds it hard to wait for new stuff she ordered to come in, indicating that her interest in technology can be obsessive at times. She even manages to teach Trunks how to create Time Machines that do not produce alternate timelines, fixing a critical design flaw in his mother's original design, showing that she has a better grasp of time travel technology due to her having a far better understanding of the nature of time than either Xeno Trunks or Future Bulma. Xeno Trunks also states that she will occasionally even suggest ideas to him for new Capsule Corp products. Also despite being the Supreme Kai of Time, Chronoa can be impatient especially when it comes to new technology she ordered, as shown by her exaggerating she's been waiting for 100 years for a new Capsule Corp. product she order to come out and even questions the Future Warrior if they are sure when they tell her that she couldn't have been waiting that long. This is in sharp contrast to her old nemesis Demigra who is known for his extreme patience as he waited 75 million years growing stronger than her. In fact, Chronoa herself admits that she is creeped out by Demigra's extreme persistence. In Xenoverse 2, she convinces Elder Kai to help out with the Time Patrol as she was busy preparing for Tokitoki to lay its Egg while Trunks and the Future Warrior were busy with locating the Time Breakers who remained at large following Demigra's defeat. While the two are capable of working together, she has a habit of referring to Elder Kai as an old man, despite his insistence that he is only 1000 years older than her (as Shinjin have much longer lifespans) and that his aged appearance is mainly the result of his fusion with the Old Witch. She is occasionally annoyed by Elder Kai's personality and lecherous behavior, as she is quick to taunt and criticize him. During the altered timeline of the Universal Tournament between Universe 6 and 7, Chronoa stated she hopes she never grows old like Elder Kai after he forgets about the written exam despite having been present during the tournament originally, indicating that she is not comfortable with either the prospect or effects of aging herself (which is somewhat ironic considering her position). She even praises a female Time Patroller named Aloe for punching Elder Kai after he had groped them, indicating that she encourages female Time Patrollers to stand up for themselves and not allow Elder Kai to abuse his position within the Time Patrol. However she is not above using his lecherousness to her advantage as she told Xeno Trunks not to say anything about her when he went to ask Elder Kai to assist with the Time Patrol, knowing full well that the old lecher would probably be excited at the prospect of seeing her after 75 million years (it is implied that Elder Kai agreed mainly because he envisioned that Chronoa had become much more attractive over the years which Chronoa apparently took full advantage). Ironically, Elder Kai himself apparently has little interest in Chronoa due to her childlike appearance. While she has changed very little since he last saw her, Elder Kai does mention that she is a bit ruder than in the past, indicating that she was once more respectful towards him in the past. While she respects Goku and even has a similarly laid back personality, she can be annoyed and frustrated by him at times such as when he tried to eat Tokitoki's Egg after saving it from Mira.

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