Sylvia was a Growth Chimera and one of the eight generals of the Devil King, who also served as the director of the Monster Enhancement Division. Sylvia sports free-flowing bangs that are highlighted red and long, straight hair partially kept up in a bun at the top. She has animal-like purple eyes (yellow in the Light Novel) and pointy ears similar to an elf, leading Kazuma to believe she might be some kind of demon. At first glance, Sylvia looks like as a towering, voluptuous and attractive human woman. She was so attractive that Kazuma seriously considered defecting to the Devil King's Army to be with her. As a Chimera, Sylvia possessed traits typically unique to both males and females, having big breasts and the figure of a woman, but also traces of a beard and male genitalia. Sylvia wears a crimson leather one-piece dress with low cut made from the skin of lesser demons, white-sleeved gloves, brown stockings, dark-red shoes, a gold necklace and a single blue earring on her right ear. She usually carried a rope around with her to use for the "Bind" skill. After absorbing the Mage-Killer, the lower part of Sylvia's body takes on the shape of a metallic snake with gem inscriptions. In the anime, subsequent to reviving and merging with Beldia and Hans, her lower body acquires a metallic semi-arachnid form around a blue semi liquid core and limbs, while her red dress is replaced with orange spikes that cover her breasts. Sylvia was a proud and charismatic leader, who truly cared about her minions, appreciating their love and worshipping, and even protecting them from the Crimson Demons' attacks. She also grew resentful by the way the Crimson Demons treated both her and her soldiers, with her voice getting deeper and sounding more masculine by the anger. Sylvia was astute too, correctly guessing Kazuma wasn't Mitsurugi by the low quality of his blade, as well as realizing he knew the code that allows her to have access to the Mage-Killer. Sylvia was also a lustful and flirt woman with a seductive aura, getting excited by trapping Kazuma over her own body and boasting about her technique in bed. While she did enjoy cute boys, being willing to spare them, Sylvia hated pretty girls, showing no mercy for them. In the anime version, she also became desperate for romance, realizing happiness and satisfaction aren't the same thing after her death experience, and desiring from the heart a relationship in order to be truly happy.
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