Taichi Mashima Husbando

Taichi Mashima
Original Name
真島 太一
Romaji Name
Mashima Taichi
Place of Origin
Date of Birth
April 2nd
178.00 cm
67.00 kg
Blood Type
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Popularity # 11747
Like # 11470
Trash # 10900

Taichi Mashima is the son of Reiko Mashima, the older brother of Rika Mashima and one of the childhood friends of Chihaya Ayase and Arata Wataya who is an all-around student as he is gifted in both studies and sports, although his mother pressures him to stick to competitions that he can win. He is part of the Shiranami Karuta Society and the former president of the Mizusawa Karuta Club. Taichi is a handsome and attractive young man that makes him popular to all the girls with messy light brown hair (shorter and neater hair when he was younger) and hazel eyes. He wears his school uniform which is a simple white button-up shirt, a plaid tie, a brown jacket with the school crest, a black belt, grey dress pants and brown school shoes. When he is serious playing karuta, just like Arata Wataya with his 'water' aura and assumable Chihaya Ayase with her 'fire' aura, Taichi got the 'wind' aura when he's calmly and yet seriously playing karuta. As part of his preparations for the Meijin/Queen qualifier finals, he had his hair cut short again, to the same length he had as a young boy. Taichi is a smart, hard-working and athletic guy who was cocky at times, but he was also a bit of a coward during his younger years. Reiko Mashima (Taichi's mother) has only allowed him to enter competitions that he's sure to win. If he loses, he will be scolded by her, but he is easy-going and fairly modest despite this. However, Taichi is somewhat easily disheartened: he considers giving up karuta early on in the series after becoming convinced that he could spend his entire life on the game without ever becoming better than Arata Wataya. His confidence builds, however, with his continued participation in the world of karuta, and it is shown that it is his own perception of his skill in karuta that is holding him back. Taichi's maturity and loyalty are valuable assets to his friends, and he is adept, after a few initial stumbles, at saying to his teammates exactly what they need to hear in moments of stress. He is the "voice of reason" in whatever group he is in, and a wise and kind leader who is not averse to doling out some tough love (particularly with respect to Chihaya Ayase). His memory is also remarkable: he can recite the Hyakunin Isshu without visual aid, and randomize verses without doubling up. He even showed he can match cards without having to see them once he's memorized their positions. Despite being all said and done, everything he had gained was purely because of his skill, not because of his luck - more like he is not lucky in anything. Throughout the series, there are a few times where it is stated about Taichi's bad luck. Also because of this, he has had a hard time winning in luck-of-the-draw.

analytical teen athletic brown eyes brown hair fair skin neck-length hair short hair thin eyebrows
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