Takahiro Mizusawa is a supporting character in the Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun series. He is a popular, gregarious and good-looking classmate of Fumiya Tomozaki who's part of Shuuji Nakamura's clique, and often considered as the smartest and most level-headed member of the group. Takahiro usually attracts the attention of girls and is an extremely smooth talker, with Fumiya considering him as a role model on the way he speaks. He is also perceptive enough to notice the changes surrounding Fumiya, including the fact that the latter is intentionally changing his demeanor. As he naturally puts up a façade in front of other people, he noticed similarities between himself and Aoi, and realized that she is the one girl he can't deceive with his speech. Thus, he developed a romantic attraction to Aoi, to which his confession was rejected. He strives to gain a greater status and presence in order to attract Aoi's attention. Despite neither Aoi nor Fumiya showing any romantic interest with each other, he considers Fumiya as his romantic rival.
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