Yoshino Takatsuki Husbando

Yoshino Takatsuki
Original Name
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Appears In
Wandering Son
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Takatsuki Yoshino is the secondary protagonist of the series. Yoshino lives much of their life assigned female at birth (AFAB), but throughout the series displays an affinity for presenting as their correct gender of a teenage boy. The manga follows a timeline forward from when they first meet Shuichi, until the college days. Yoshino is voiced by Asami Seto in the anime. Takatsuki Yoshino, is a masculine child, born perceived as a female, who at the beginning of Wandering Son is a fifth grader in Shuichi's class. Otherwise known as Takatsuki-kun by their classmates, with a name honorific ( -kun ) used mainly with boys as an acknowledgment of masculine nature, Yoshino was assigned female at birth, but wants to be seen as a boy. Yoshino has many masculine features, such as a slim, athletic body, and a young, noble look. Yoshino is tall for that age group and is considered handsome and debonair by fellow classmates. Yoshino has dark gray hair color, with gray highlights, worn in a boy's bowl cut. They have slightly greenish deep brown eyes, and an even beige skin tone. Except for wearing the girl's school uniform at school, Yoshino usually refrains from dressing in traditionally feminine clothes, such as skirts or dresses. They usually dress casual for a teenage boy, with a plain shirt, pants, and a hoodie. Shortly after becoming friends with Shuichi, Yoshino obtains a haircut in a boyish style, thereby taking on the appearance of a boy of about the same age as Shuichi. Yoshino has been known to dress in a male school uniform and wear that to school, although little or no real objections were voiced by the school staff. Yoshino's fellow classmates told them that they looked wonderful. Although Yoshino's appearance is definitely masculine, they are still repeatedly distressed about their appearance to the point of tears and sorrow. Like Shuichi, Yoshino becomes increasingly concerned and resentful about undergoing puberty, such as at the beginning of menstruation, or the noticeable growth of breasts. Also like Shuichi, Yoshino shows signs indicating gender dysphoria, though later they stop thinking that way due to personal exposure to modeling. Yoshino Takatsuki is the first person to befriend Shuichi at the new elementary school; their first conversation is about Maho's leg injury caused by the homeroom teacher, which Yoshino had witnessed. However, Yoshino finds themselves on the receiving end of a considerable amount of harassment from the other boys in class, as the popular perception perpetrated by them is that Yoshino is an ordinary tomboyish girl. Yoshino is a nonchalant, easy-going person by nature and will try to avoid confrontation at all costs. Yoshino prefers to dress and act like a boy, but usually abstains from anything which would draw unwanted attention to themselves. However, Yoshino does on occasion dress in a male school uniform that was given to them, and often goes to neighboring cities while dressed as a boy. During one such time, Yoshino enjoys being hit on by an older transgender woman, named Yuki. Yoshino wants to look "cool", and often wears clothes which are masculine styled, and not at all girlish. When teased by others, Yoshino is prone to getting emotional and is known to get violent on occasion. Such is the case when their dignity comes under fire, and are willing to go to any lengths to defend personal honor and the honor of one's friends. Yoshino successfully ignores much of the teasing the other boys direct towards one's personal integrity, up until the insinuation is made that experiencing the beginning of menstruation is 'proof' of "actually being a girl". This triggers an emotional breakdown and Yoshino goes home in tears. Yoshino takes up an interest in basketball after entering junior high school and joins the female basketball team with Chizuru Sarashina. Previously, until the Farewell play for the 6th graders that lays ahead of them (Maho and Shuichi's class), Yoshino is at odds with a trio of bullies and this comes to physical blows, with Yoshino beating up and subsequently being beaten up by the main bully antagonist. Yoshino absolutely refuses to apologize to the other boy, even when their parents become involved. Since then Yoshino has had a heightened aversion to conflict regarding an authentic male gender identity presentation, and therefore does not want to be considered rebellious or troublesome by others, or attract more of the same negative treatment that was already received.

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