Judge Husbando

Original Name
Romaji Name
Appears In
Ace Attorney
Place of Origin
Los Angeles
Date of Birth
170.00 cm
Blood Type
Submitted By
Dyno Joestar
Popularity # 8254
Like # 8687
Trash # 6073

The unnamed judge has presided over almost all of the cases taken on by the Wright Anything Agency in a career spanning over 16 years. The judge is naïve and gullible, but he is said to give the correct verdict without fail. He tends to change his mind very easily, a trait that lawyers on both sides of the courtroom often use to their advantage. He is also very easily wooed by female witnesses such as Dahlia Hawthorne, which has almost allowed guilty female witnesses to be let off the hook several times. Food can also easily divert his attention, as shown during Angel Starr's testimony and Bucky Whet's trial. It often seems that the judge is more likely to side with the prosecution than the defense and to prefer Miles Edgeworth over Phoenix Wright, but this ultimately does not affect his verdict. He has shown respect for Phoenix Wright for his capability to turn things around and point out the unthinkable, although sometimes he has been seen labeling Wright's actions as "shenanigans". He also has a tendency to try to take credit for the work that the attorneys have done, which annoyed both Phoenix and Mia Fey. His frequent trials with Phoenix Wright have allowed him to become quite familiar with the attorney's life and acquaintances. During the trial of Orla Shipley, he recognised Pearl Fey despite not having seen her for almost a decade, commenting that she had grown up to become a lovely young lady, only to be chastised by Blackquill for engaging in "chit chat". During the trial for Simon Blackquill, when Miles Edgeworth brought up in court that he and Wright had gone to see one of Trucy Wright's magic shows together, the judge expressed shock that he had not been invited, prompting a bewildered Phoenix to offer him tickets. He expressed concern for Trucy Wright during her trial, as well as concern over Apollo Justice's and Phoenix Wright's working relationship during their civil trial, and even expressed surprise when he learned that it was real and not just a mock trial. Upon seeing Wright, Edgeworth, and Maya Fey in his courtroom together again after nine years, he commented that the reunion made him want to go out for dinner and reminisce with all of them, which Phoenix suggested could be a welcome home party for Maya, who had recently returned from Khura'in. Although Edgeworth outwardly showed annoyance at the conversation, he was still insistent on at least getting an invite. The judge often comes across as a bit absent-minded and hard of hearing. Even as a child, the commentary on his report card read: "Has poor hearing, and often makes a mistake as a result." He has, on at least one occasion, wasted an entire day searching for his dentures only to realise they were in his mouth all along. This absent-mindedness has led to many comical occurrences in the courtroom. In addition, the judge sometimes finds it hard to follow what people are saying, very rarely understanding what Godot says. The judge's brother often criticises him for not studying hard enough, advice that he took to heart only relatively recently. Nevertheless, the judge occasionally shows signs of deep wisdom, with his statements on the nature of the law at the end of Vera Misham's trial as a perfect example. Miles Edgeworth also once described him as the the perfect example of what a judge should be: One that isn't perfect, and allows themselves to become emotional during cases, yet still ultimately manages to hand down an accurate verdict. Apollo Justice also once described the judge as being wiser than people may believe him to be. The judge is very out of touch with technology. He is known not to know the meaning of e-mail or computers, was dumbfounded at the sight of Cody Hackins's digital camera, and refers to old-fashioned things such as the gramophone. He also has never heard of nail polish, leaving him puzzled as to why his wife's nails were red. The judge often lets his fear of certain people get to him. He is horribly afraid of Franziska von Karma and always gives in to her, to the point of forgetting that he has more authority than she does. His fear of one witness, Furio Tigre, forced him to hide under his stand every time Tigre roared. Whenever he is stressed, excited or speaks too much too quickly, he has a tendency to bite his tongue. Following the Cohdopian Embassy murder case, the judge considered teaming up with a bailiff and becoming a lawyer, but he decided to keep his current job. The judge can apparently speak Spanish and seems to have an interest in rakugo.

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