Togata Husbando

Original Name
Romaji Name
Appears In
Fire Punch
Place of Origin
Date of Birth
Blood Type
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Popularity # 15226
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Trash # 13248

Togata was a major character in Fire Punch. As a self proclaimed director, he wanted to create a movie called "Fire Man", with Agni as the protagonist and hero, as a homage to his love for movies. It is later revealed that he is a transgender man. Togata has short, straight black hair that reaches his chin, with a bang that often obscures his right eye. His eyes are very often half lidded, and his irises are a hollow black. He has three moles on his face: Two underneath his left eye, and one under his lip on the right side of his face. Togata often comes off as an unempathetic, but high-energy man, not caring for the feelings and wellbeing of others as long as he can get good film for his movie. He tends to find awe in some of the harsher aspects of life that those around him suffer from. In regards to movies, he is very passionate about them to a point. He has watched many movies across his lifespan before they were all burnt, at times referencing movies and real life actors during the manga. At one point they stirred many emotions within him, but as time went on, movies no longer had the same effect on him. Which is why he is so interested in Agni, and desires that he be his protagonist. With that, his passion and drive to create a movie is so strong to the point that he would manipulate others into "acting" as he wanted for his own movie. Despite his cruel traits, he has allowed himself to be more vulnerable around people, notably Agni, who he pities greatly. In a moment of vulnerability after having been outed, Togata reveals to Agni his debilitating dysphoria and disconnect with his own self due to being alive for over 300 years. His hyperactive persona is a façade, and his "true" self is self loathing, pessimistic, and hates to be pitied on.

trans man
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