Kaito is a second-year student at Ekoda High School Class 2-B alongside his childhood friend Aoko Nakamori, the witch Akako Koizumi, and transfer student detective Saguru Hakuba. Kaito discovers his father's identity as the original Kaitou Kid after eight years following his death thanks to a secret room inside his house as well as talking with his father's attendant and friend, Konosuke Jii. Wanting to pick up where Jii left off, Kaito continues to be Kaitou Kid in an effort to lure out his father's murderers by making Kid a world-famous thief once again. It isn't until the Blue Birthday heist that the murderers appear and reveal that they are searching for the doublet red-coloured gem Pandora, said to shed tears of immortality during the passing of a particular comet. Upon realizing the organization's aim and that his father was killed for his refusal to aid them in retrieving Pandora, Kaito vows as Kaitou Kid to find the Pandora gem first and shatter it into pieces. Kid is infamous for having a rather arrogant attitude, always preferring to create as big a bang as possible. He loves nothing more then leading the police in wild goose chases, letting them get within a hair of catching him before exiting one way or another. Seemingly having a soft-spot for his fans, there has been more then one occasion when Kid has refused to show when the police tried to bar the general public from witnessing his act, though this may also be due to how the crowd is often a critical part of the act. Kaitou Kid is also quite a charmer, seeming to always know just what to say to the ladies to leave them speechless. Kid hates to see others get hurt, and never hesitates in leaping to rescue someone, whether physically or mentally. Kaito is highly skilled in several areas which all contribute to the sole purpose of being Kaito Kid. He acquired most of his skills from his father. Since his childhood, Kaito was trained as a magician by his father, Kuroba Toichi, who was one of the world's most prominent professional magicians, and the first Kaito Kid. Kaito has high level mastery of legerdemain which he keeps practicing extensively. Kaito is also a great master of disguise, being able to impersonate almost anyone, and near impossible to differentiate the real person. He can do this incredibly fast. This is one of his trademark skills. He can even impersonate Jimmy/Shinichi without a mask. He is also skilled in acting and in perfectly imitating many voices of diverse kinds to make his disguises authentic and to some extent, ventriloquism. Conan finds this ability jarring. Kaito is very athletic, has a good aim, skilled in gymnastics and can play many sports except ice skating and cue sports. He is also capable of pulling dangerous stunts and usually has good balance. He can fly his hang glider well and is dextrous in using his card gun. He can drive many vehicles and is an excellent pilot. For inexplicable reasons, Kaito has a hilarious case of Ichthyophobia. Before each heist, Kaito and his assistant Jii spend many days gathering intelligence and plan very extensively down to the minute details and back ups, although there are times Kid has to pull off impromptu heists right on the spot. According to the detective Saguru Hakuba, Kaito has 400 IQ. He can bypass most locks and security systems of incredible difficulty and he plans his heists very well with excellent back up plans. He can escape from many traps, hack computers and tweak security systems. Kaito is usually successful in his heists, although there are exceptions. When Jirokichi's team ran simulations of the latest ironclad security system against Kid's patterns, the result always ended in the system's failure as Kaito Kid always improves himself. One time, Jirokichi secretly asked Kid to rescue his dog trapped in the security system, which Kid agreed to and succeeded in doing so. Kaito can also figure out secrets of complex magic tricks and possesses deductive abilities similar to Conan, Hakuba or Heiji. He can even invent his own tricks. Kaito has good general knowledge and also appears to have some expertise in judging the quality of gems, being able to distinguish the real one from the fake. As Kaito Kid, he is good with girls who find his "bad boy gentleman charm" attractive and has a huge female fan base.
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