Antonio "Tonio" Trussardi is a minor character featured in Diamond is Unbreakable; as well as in an installment of Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan. Tonio is a professional chef of Italian origins working in an Italian restaurant named Trattoria Trussardi, at the edge of the town of Morioh. He is also a Stand User who uses his Pearl Jam to enhance his cooking. Tonio is a man of average to above-average height and medium build. He keeps short, light, neat hair; and he often wears a genial expression. Tonio is only shown in his chef's uniformW, comprising a light or white double-breasted jacket, a loose tie, an apron, and a tall, cylindrical hat. He wears the small, metallic emblem of a "T" at the upper corners of the chest his jacket and apron, and at the frontal fold of his hat. Tonio Trussardi is a benevolent chef whose goal is to make people happy with his cooking. As a chef, Tonio is very dedicated to his craft and his ambition is to serve and cure people of their ailments, showing a benevolent and caring personality. In Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan, Tonio also confesses that he came to Morioh to cure his girlfriend Virginia. Although he was trained as a chef, he made extensive work to research the human body, studied alternative medicine, and looked for rare ingredients that are especially healthy. As a result, he can easily diagnose his clients and creates the best dishes to cure them of their ailments. Tonio expresses great pride in his country's national cooking, thinking that Italian cooking is so healthy people here live long lives thanks to it and that Italians are the best when it comes to cooking tomatoes. Secondly, Tonio has a preference for simple, home-made style cooking; he wishes to make dishes that mothers can pass down to their children and is opposed to pleasing "snobby critics". To establish himself, Tonio didn't hesitate to work overseas and create his restaurant in the small coastal town of Morioh, in great part because Morioh's closeness to the sea and farmlands allows him to acquire especially fresh and high-quality products. Tonio also works as his restaurant's waiter and displays a charismatic and courteous personality. It allows him to convince even reluctant clients to try out his dishes. As a chef, Tonio is rightfully furious when a client intrudes upon his kitchen as they bring bacteria from outside. His usual smile turns into a raging grin and while he doesn't turn violent, he still forces the intruder to clean up his kitchen as a punishment.
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