Trucy Wright

Trucy Wright
Original Name
Romaji Name
Minuki Naruhodō
Appears In
Ace Attorney
Place of Origin
Date of Birth
Blood Type
Submitted By
Popularity # 2200
Like # 1976
Trash # 5282

Trucy Wright (born Trucy Enigmar) is a professional stage magician at the Wright Anything Agency who has also served as an investigative partner for the lawyers in the agency. She was born into the Gramarye family of magicians, her biological father being Zak Gramarye and her grandfather being Magnifi Gramarye. Phoenix Wright adopted her shortly after her father's disappearance. Trucy is bright, energetic, and very intelligent, described by Phoenix as being a genius. She is perceptive, often being able to piece things together in and out of court even more quickly than Apollo Justice does. She has also shown an ability to hold up well under pressure, such as during the hostage situation with Aura Blackquill and when testifying during her own trial. She recently became a fan of Klavier Gavin and his band, getting a large "allowance bonus" from her father to buy a great deal of their merchandise. Trucy often puts on an act, pretending to be an average, naïve teenager while in actuality being fully aware of everything she does, for example when she knowingly uses her magic panties trick to embarrass Justice. Likewise, what she says to Justice frequently hides or distorts the truth. Trucy is willing to take extreme and even morally questionable measures to accomplish her goals, such as when she stages a hostage situation to buy time to teach Justice about his perception ability. Despite her cheerful demeanor, Phoenix has said that Trucy is hiding a deep sadness. This is understandable given that, as far as she knows, she has lost both of her biological parents. Although she was able to keep up a cheerful facade for Justice and Cykes while in detention, she soon broke down in front of them after her emotions became too much for her to handle. Over the course of the three years that Trucy and Justice have known each other, she has gotten very close to him, and has often been afraid of him leaving the agency on bad terms with her father. She could only watch helplessly as Justice left for a leave of absence, and was so worried about him that she ran after him when she and Phoenix encountered him and Aura Blackquill talking. During the civil trial between her father and Justice, she refused to take sides between them. She also seemed close with Pearl Fey and Miles Edgeworth, the former who was described as a big sister figure to her, and the latter going to her magic shows at least once.

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