Uiharu Kazari is a minor character debuted in Toaru Majutsu no Index before being expanded as a supporting character in Toaru Kagaku no Railgun. She is a Level 1 Academy City student, and along with her colleague and friend Shirai Kuroko, is a member of the student composed law enforcement organization, Judgment. Uiharu Kazari is a small girl who sports short black hair and has golden-brown eyes. She has thick eyebrows but her most striking feature is her headband made out of artificial flowers. In the manga she often wears a facemask because she is easily afflicted by colds and flu. Uiharu is usually shy and humble but always friendly. She is also shown to be equally high-spirited as her friend Saten Ruiko. She admits that she is composed most of the time because of a so-called "limit" she places on herself. Without that limit, she is very energetic and can be airheaded at times as well, as shown during Tokiwadai Dormitory's Festival. Moreover, she is intrigued and interested in the Ojou-sama lifestyle, as shown with her trying to impress Kuroko with her tea making abilities, as well the above mentioned excitability of her person during the Tokiwadai Midsummer Festival. Although she is incapable of normal combat like Kuroko, she still has a strong sense of justice, being a member of Judgment, and will do her utmost to do her duty. Apparently, she is an animal lover, as she was the only one of her friends that wasn't scared of Ekatrina, Kongou Mitsuko's pet boa constrictor, and even played with it. Her vulnerability to flu is not shown in the anime version of Railgun, though this later disappeared in later chapters of the manga. The running gag on her not managing to eat her sweets ended in the Railgun anime as well. Uiharu uses polite Japanese almost exclusively, regardless of mood or standing; she addresses everyone by their family name accompanied with the honorific -san, even Saten and Haruue, and she always uses desu and the polite forms of verbs.
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