Vanilla the Rabbit is a fictional minor character from the Sonic the Hedgehog series. She is an anthropomorphic rabbit and the respected mother of Cream the Rabbit. Vanilla lives in a small cottage close to Night Carnival with her daughter, Cheese and G-merl. Vanilla is a skilled homemaker, who has taught her daughter polite manners under her kind, but strict discipline. A beloved mother and respected elder, Vanilla is a calm and composed woman, never raising her voice. Like her daughter, she is nice, polite and kind to others, and always ready to help those in need. Apparently possessing a strong faith in Cream and her friends, Vanilla is not bothered by how Cream goes out on dangerous adventures with Sonic and his friends. However, she does seem to prefer a quiet lifestyle, as she has been known to get somewhat frazzled by Sonic and his friends' adventurous ways
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