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Brave Frontier
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Popularity # 40298
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Trash # 36734

With Wannahon's demise and the Greherd divided by internal politics, it was up to his excessively jovial subcommander to take the lead and reconstitute the faction. While just as fanatical as her predecessor, Vashi recognized that unity was the only path at that time that would allow her family-faction to survive. She took the Greherd into hiding, using their superior mobility and her communication drones to evade the forces of the other family-factions while coordinating their efforts across the continent. While she regretted that she wouldn't be able to indulge in blasting her enemies with sound waves till they exploded, her glee at giving their searchers a literal headache whenever they were found more than made up for it. It was from her mobile base of operations that she learned of what the others had discovered: forgotten behemoths, the dormant orbital defense networks, and the uncrewed ark ship deep beneath the surface. But more important was what little she could gather from the (relatively) unguarded feeds from their deep-space networks: the Dust-Yellow King's armada was loitering near Orebus's sun, and her calculations showed that a head-on fight would be a bad joke on their end at best. There was, however, a glimmer of hope: if she could divide the enemy and force an engagement on their terms, there would be an incredibly small window of opportunity for them to take out their enemy's commanders once and for all. She soon set to work. After a few days, a scout ship would make its way to the surface. The news that the scout ship had been shot down brought a smile to Vashi's lips. It was time to set the second phase of her plan into motion, and for that, she had to reach out to an old ally. It took a while--and a lot of convincing--but she managed to bring the Forshu commander to her point of view. Revenge could wait, and if the others died as collateral damage in the battle ahead, so much the better! The Greherd began to assemble at several orbital defense stations and worked on bringing them back up to working order. Meanwhile, Vashi had a few specially selected candidates covertly make their way to the ark ship--a few more faces would easily get lost in the depths of its shadow. As the armada drew closer to Orebus at last, Vashi grinned and mapped their approach trajectory. She already knew that the others planned to directly assault the Dust-Yellow King's flagship, but they'd have to get there first. The skies above the continent soon darkened with thousands of golden ships as they began their attack, their hulls red-hot from reentry. Their orbital defense networks began to fire, the sound unlike any Vashi had heard before. As her cannons cleared a path to the enemy flagship, she felt a dull vibration coming from deep below the surface: the ark ship had launched--and with it, their meager hope for survival.

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