Vera Misham was the defendant in the murder of her father, Drew Misham. She is notable in that her trial was the first to employ the revived Jurist System. She is also the only known survivor of acute atroquinine poisoning. Vera was very shy and withdrawn; Ema Skye described her as "sickly". She had a very closed and simple life before her father's murder and knew very little of the world outside of her home, similar in that respect to the lives of Pearl Fey, Regina Berry and Iris. The only known people with whom she had ever come into contact before her father's death were Kristoph Gavin, Spark Brushel, and Phoenix Wright. Her social skills deteriorated significantly over the following seven years, and by the time she first met Apollo Justice she only spoke in short, often fragmented sentences and rarely made any facial expressions, drawing how she felt on a notepad instead.
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