Veyle is a character from Fire Emblem Engage. She is a mysterious girl traveling throughout Elyos in search of her long lost siblings. Veyle is an innocent young girl who is on a personal quest to locate her long lost sibling. She desires to make friends and easily believes in people who treat her kindly without a second thought. Her brief encounters with Alear at the beginning of the story show that she is polite, expressing gratitude for them bandaging her leg. For some reason, she feels a closeness to Alear and a desire to see them again in the future. As a world traveler, she is eager to see and try new things. Most notably, Veyle enjoys spicy food and has been shown to have an extremely high tolerance for it. In several of her supports, she especially enjoys alarmingly spicy food that easily incapacitates the rest of the cast while she at best shows only mild discomfort. On the other hand, she dislikes sweet food.
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