
Original Name
Romaji Name
Appears In
Kemono Friends
Place of Origin
Japari Park:Tundra Region
Date of Birth
198.12 cm
120.23 kg
Blood Type
SemiBd negative O
54.99 cm
53.89 cm
59.99 cm
Submitted By
Cheetah Lover
Popularity # 27213
Like # 27252
Trash # 22683

“Fuh, my belly is full. Japari bun has so many different flavor, I can't get bored with them. Ah, there some of the leftover enter through your nail. Because nail is important, you must always keep it clean ("glare"). Maybe I should do excercise to help my digestion while at it checking my territory. Hmm, having a fight with Honey Badger would be nice too. She's always fill with fighting spirit you know? Now where is she? ("sniff, sniff") ” —Wolverine's introduction The Wolverine is a type of Friend that premiered in Kemono Friends' collaboration with Nakau. In Real Life: The wolverine, also referred to as the glutton, carcajou, skunk bear, or quickhatch, is stocky and muscular carnivore. The adult wolverine length usually ranging from 65 to 107 cm, a tail of 17 to 26 cm, and a weight of 5.5 to 25 kg , though exceptionally large males can weigh up to 32 kg. Wolverines have thick, dark, oily fur which is highly hydrophobic, making it resistant to frost. This has led to its traditional popularity among hunters and trappers as a lining in jackets and parkas in Arctic conditions. A light-silvery facial mask is distinct in some individuals, and a pale buff stripe runs laterally from the shoulders along the side and crossing the rump just above a 25 to 35 cm bushy tail. Some individuals display prominent white hair patches on their throats or chests. Wolverines live primarily in isolated arctic, boreal, and alpine regions of northern Canada, Alaska, Siberia, and Fennoscandia; they are also native to European Russia, the Balticcountries, the Russian Far East, northeast China and Mongolia. The Wolverine is known for being very aggressive. They have powerful jaws and sharp claws that allow them to protect themselves in the wild. They have been known to attack people because they deem them as a threat to their own safety. Studies show they really have no natural predators. They can be very aggressive when it comes to their territory. Conflicts can arise between males for mating or for territory. The females may overlap the male territory but it usually won’t be a problem unless there is a shortage of food. Wolverines are solitary creatures, and need great swaths of territory to roam. Males mark their territory with their scent and only share their turf with females. IIndividual wolverines may travel 25 km in a day in search of food. Wolverines are considered to be primarily scavengers. A majority of the wolverine's sustenance is derived from carrion, on which it depends almost exclusively in winter and early spring. Wolverines have a keen sense of smell; they can smell prey 6 m under the snow. They will dig down into burrows and kill hibernating animals. Wolverines may find carrion themselves, feed on it after the predator (often, a pack of wolves) has finished, or simply take it from another predator. Wolverines are also known to follow wolf and lynx trails, purportedly with the intent of scavenging the remains of their kills. Whether eating live prey or carrion, the wolverine's feeding style appears voracious, leading to the nickname of "glutton" (also the basis of the scientific name). However, this feeding style is believed to be an adaptation to food scarcity, especially in winter. The wolverine is also a powerful and versatile predator. Prey mainly consists of small to medium-sized mammals, but the wolverine has been recorded killing prey such as adult deer that are many times larger than itself. Prey species include porcupines, deer sheep, goats, cattle, bison, moose, and elk. Wolverines often pursue live prey that are relatively easy to obtain, including animals caught in traps. When they are weakened by winter or immobilized by heavy snow. Their diets are sometimes supplemented by birds' eggs, birds insect larvae, and berries. Wolverines frequently cache their food during times of plenty. This is of particular importance to lactating females in the winter and early spring, a time when food is scarce. The typical longevity of a wolverine in captivity is around 15 to 17 years, but in the wild the average lifespan is more likely between 8 and 10 years.

scar multicolour hair animal ears tail
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