Yakumaru Itsuki, known as Ya-kun to her comrades, is a character introduced in Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator. She is a member of Scavenger. Yakumaru wears a loose square neck blouse and black spats. She wears a utility belt, likely where she keeps her vials of chemicals. She also wears a large brown newsboy cap, which she keeps her long brown hair in, as well as to hide her attractive looks. Though a little more serious than Naru, Yakumaru still shares the same childish aspect as her comrades. Like all members of Scavenger, she does her job of killing people and destroying things without remorse or guilt, willing to eliminate those who get in the way. Moreover, she also hates teachers and believes them to be the source of evil in Academy City. According to her, she has been teammates with Leader for a long time, making her perceptive enough to know what Leader was planning after coming into contact with Misaka Mikoto, who defeated Seike earlier without being told.
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