Yukako Yamagishi

Yukako Yamagishi
Original Name
山岸 由花子
Romaji Name
Yamagishi Yukako
Place of Origin
Morioh, Japan
Date of Birth
167.00 cm
Blood Type
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Popularity # 914
Like # 1107
Trash # 395

Yukako Yamagishi is a side character, former enemy and ally featured in Diamond is Unbreakable. She is featured centrally in the Yukako Yamagishi Falls in Love and the Yukako Yamagishi Dreams of Cinderella story arcs. Yukako is a high-school student besotted with Koichi Hirose. She originally tries to kidnap Koichi before being neutralized and eventually starting a mutual relationship with him. Struck with the Arrow by Keicho Nijimura, Yukako is a Stand User who freely manipulates her hair through Love Deluxe. Yukako is a teenage girl of fine build, 167 cm (5'5¾") tall. She is characterized as especially beautiful (noted by Aya Tsuji), with fine facial features and bodily proportions. She has full, dark and wavy waist-length hair; a mole above her right breast and dark eyes. She also has prominent, arched eyebrows. Like most characters in Part 4, she is only seen wearing a dark sailor fukuW, a pair of leather shoes and socks, while displaying mature taste in casual clothing. Yukako is introduced in the midst of a date with Koichi Hirose, initially acting demure and sweet around him. This visage quickly dissipates when she reveals her bad temper and obsession with him, which occupies the majority of her initial role in Diamond is Unbreakable. Yukako's most recognizable character trait is her obsessive love for Koichi, which she explains as appreciation for men with potential rather than perfect people, whom she considers boring, and admits outright to becoming obsessive about anything she likes. Her love takes an overtly psychopathic turn when she decides to kidnap him and attempt to brainwash him into reciprocating her feelings, as well as forcefully training him into fitting an idealized picture of himself. Upon Koichi's revolt, she goes completely berserk and is willing to hurt, or even kill him in order to keep him for herself. Once she is defeated, and then immediately saved by Koichi in spite of what she put him through, Yukako sees the error of her ways, becoming genuinely infatuated by his heroism, and as such begins to fully respect his privacy and feelings. After beginning a true relationship with Koichi, she appears much more mellow and relaxed. Aloof and "insanely tough" (as described by Koichi), Yukako is often cold toward people and maintains a steely, unwelcoming expression, except for in the presence of Koichi, with whom she acts sweetly and warmly in an excessive fashion. She is irritable, blunt and prone to lashing out, particularly when something gets in her way. When angered, her left eye also twitches. Yukako frequently and violently uses her Stand, Love Deluxe, against anyone she feels would hurt her chances of captivating Koichi, resorting to lethal force in the worst case. She has also been described as the type of person who lives in her own world and tends not to listen to others, expecting things to go her way and for people to follow what she says. Even when something goes wrong, she tends to blame it on others and refuses to find fault with herself. Despite the insecure comments in her introduction, she has immense pride in her appearance and hair, even threatening to murder Koichi once he damaged her hair during their fight, and again threatening Aya after her Cinderella caused her face to fall apart. In the anime, she has a habit of referring to herself in the third person. She also seems to have talent in cooking and sewing, and to some extent engineering as she built an electric chair from household appliances. Yukako may be described as yandere, and arguably may have predated or became the progenitor of the archetype. Araki comments that her personality was designed in reaction to the prevalence of moeW perfectionism applied to many female characters, as a statement that someone of any gender should be capable of being frightening or losing their temper.

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