Yuri Ivanov Husbando

Yuri Ivanov
Original Name
Romaji Name
Yuuri Ivuaanofu

Appears In

Place of Origin \ Birthplace
Date of Birth
February 8th


Blood Type
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Popularity # 32805
Like # 32254
Trash # 24965

Description \ Bio

Yuri Ivanov is a character in the Original Series, consisting of Beyblade and Beyblade: G-Revolution. He is the captain of the Blitzkrieg Boys. His Bit-Beast and Beyblade is Wolborg. Appearance: Yuri is a young man of average height and a lean build. He is depicted with fiery red hair with two strands hanging loose from a widow's peak and icy blue eyes. His skin color is very pale to connect him with a snowy climate, as he hails from Russia. Personality: Yuri had been trained from a young age to be a Beyblader, even so far as being genetically enhanced to ensure victory. Overall he has a very sarcastic and fiery personality, and is quite easy to anger. He is also shown to be highly intelligent and intuitive, as he figured out Barthez' plan and how he was connected to Boris early on. Tala has also been shown to be quite prideful of his abilities as he tends to underestimate his opponents (such as Kenny and Daichi) but also shows a clear insecurity of his own abilities as well based on his jealousy of Kai. In the first season of the anime, Tala becomes very angry due to jealousy of Boris' clear favoritism of Kai over himself. Despite Tala's displays of sarcasm and overall antagonistic attitude towards other he is actually very caring of his fellow beybladers in G-Revolution. He expresses a genuine happiness of bumping into Tyson in the woods while Tyson and Co. searched for Hiro, as well as showing an extreme drive to protect other beybladers from Boris, claiming he won't let Boris ruin the hopes and dreams of anyone else. While Kai and Tala seemed to have a distant and indifferent relationship, Tala sheds tears for Kai after he collapses in the hallway after his fight with Brooklyn, showing that Tala is actually very kind and selfless. In the manga, he is considerably more vicious, destroying many beyblades for Boris and treating beyblade like it is war.

bangs red hair russian sarcastic spiky hair genetically modified multiple ahoge
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