Image for the work Blue Spring Ride

Blue Spring Ride

Original Name
Romaji Name
Ao Haru Ride
Release Date


Futaba Yoshioka used to be an attractive and popular middle-schooler—well liked by the opposite sex, but ostracized by the girls. Nevertheless, she was able to brush all that off, because the only opinion that truly mattered to her was that of Kou Tanaka, a classmate with whom she shared a shelter from rain once, followed by quite a few other precious and significant memories. She even succeeded at making plans to meet with the quiet and innocent boy at the summer festival, but a simple misunderstanding, and Tanaka's subsequent disappearance, left her walking the halls of her school friendless. Now in high school, Futaba is not your typical adolescent girl. Determined to become a class favorite this time, she avoids all unwanted attention and, instead of acting cute and feminine, only stands out through her tomboyish behavior and disheveled look. But still, her world is soon turned upside down when the only boy she ever liked unexpectedly comes into her life once again—except he goes by the name of Kou Mabuchi now, and it is not his name alone that has gone through a sea change.

TV12 Episodes
Display picture for Futaba Yoshioka

Futaba Yoshioka

吉岡 双葉
Display picture for Kou Tanaka

Kou Tanaka

田中 洸
Display picture for Shuko Murao

Shuko Murao

村尾 修子
Display picture for Yuri Makita

Yuri Makita

槙田 悠里
Display picture for Toma Kikuchi

Toma Kikuchi

菊池 冬馬
Display picture for Yoichi Tanaka

Yoichi Tanaka

田中 陽一
Display picture for Yumi


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Display picture for Asumi
Display picture for Chie
Display picture for Mabuchi no haha
Display picture for Yui Narumi

Yui Narumi

成海 唯
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