The Donkey Kong Country series is a video game series of the Donkey Kong franchise. Although it usually stars Donkey Kong and his sidekick, Diddy Kong, Donkey Kong also ends up kidnapped in several games. The series is a platformering series. The series was started and produced by Rare, until they were bought by Microsoft. Remakes are included in the Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, and Nintendo 3DS handhelds. The series was later revived by Retro Studios and their game, Donkey Kong Country Returns. The Donkey Kong Country series also has well-received reviews and has greatly impacted future titles. The Donkey Kong Country series is also the inspiration for a very similar series created for the Game Boy systems, known as the Donkey Kong Land series. The above text is from the Super Mario Wiki and is available under a Creative Commons license. Attribution must be provided through a list of authors or a link back to the original article.
The Donkey Kong Country series is a video game series of the Donkey Kong franchise. Although it usually stars Donkey Kong and his sidekick, Diddy Kong, Donkey Kong also ends up kidnapped in several games. The series is a platformering series. The series was started and produced by Rare, until they were bought by Microsoft. Remakes are included in the Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, and Nintendo 3DS handhelds. The series was later revived by Retro Studios and their game, Donkey Kong Country Returns. The Donkey Kong Country series also has well-received reviews and has greatly impacted future titles. The Donkey Kong Country series is also the inspiration for a very similar series created for the Game Boy systems, known as the Donkey Kong Land series. The above text is from the Super Mario Wiki and is available under a Creative Commons license. Attribution must be provided through a list of authors or a link back to the original article.
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