Shiki Granbell, an orphan raised by robots on the deserted theme park planet Granbell, meets and befriended Rebecca and her cat Happy when they visited the park in order to record videos for the video-sharing website Aoneko Channel. Shortly after their meeting, Rebecca and Happy were abducted by residents of the theme park which later revealed to be a ruse to make Shiki leave the planet with Rebecca and Happy since all the residents are about to shutdown. Shiki rescues her and together escaped the planet to explore the Sakura Cosmos with Shiki aiming to gain 100 friends along the way.
Shiki Granbell, an orphan raised by robots on the deserted theme park planet Granbell, meets and befriended Rebecca and her cat Happy when they visited the park in order to record videos for the video-sharing website Aoneko Channel. Shortly after their meeting, Rebecca and Happy were abducted by residents of the theme park which later revealed to be a ruse to make Shiki leave the planet with Rebecca and Happy since all the residents are about to shutdown. Shiki rescues her and together escaped the planet to explore the Sakura Cosmos with Shiki aiming to gain 100 friends along the way.
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