Undead Unluck (Japanese: アンデッドアンラック, Hepburn: Andeddo Anrakku) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yoshifumi Tozuka [jp]. It has been serialized in Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine since January 2020, and collected into two tankōbon volumes as of June 2020. After being saved from suicide by Undead (Andy), Fuuko Izumo (Fuuko, also known as Unluck) and Andy end up and participate in a team whose missions are proposed by a book with supernatural powers over all of earth. Undead Unluck is written and illustrated by Yoshifumi Tozuka. A one-shot chapter was published in Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump in January 2019.The manga started its serialization in the 2020 8th issue of Weekly Shōnen Jump on January 20, 2020.[2][1] Shueisha has compiled its chapters into individual tankōbon volumes. The first volume was published on April 3, 2020.[3] As of June 4, 2020, two volumes have been published. The manga is digitally published by Viz Media on its Shonen Jump website.
Undead Unluck (Japanese: アンデッドアンラック, Hepburn: Andeddo Anrakku) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yoshifumi Tozuka [jp]. It has been serialized in Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine since January 2020, and collected into two tankōbon volumes as of June 2020. After being saved from suicide by Undead (Andy), Fuuko Izumo (Fuuko, also known as Unluck) and Andy end up and participate in a team whose missions are proposed by a book with supernatural powers over all of earth. Undead Unluck is written and illustrated by Yoshifumi Tozuka. A one-shot chapter was published in Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump in January 2019.The manga started its serialization in the 2020 8th issue of Weekly Shōnen Jump on January 20, 2020.[2][1] Shueisha has compiled its chapters into individual tankōbon volumes. The first volume was published on April 3, 2020.[3] As of June 4, 2020, two volumes have been published. The manga is digitally published by Viz Media on its Shonen Jump website.
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