UTAU is a Japanese singing synthesizer application created by Ameya/Ayame. UTAU is similar to the VOCALOID software, with the difference being it is shareware instead of under a third party licensing, and anybody can create one! UTAUloids, similarly to VOCALOIDs, are virtual singers to put it simply. To make an UTAUloid, a user would record samples of themself talking/singing strings of syllables in almost any language, sometimes recording the same reclist (recording list or recite list) multiple times at different pitches to achieve a voice with a wider singing range. These collections of recordings are referred to as a voice library or voicebank.
UTAU is a Japanese singing synthesizer application created by Ameya/Ayame. UTAU is similar to the VOCALOID software, with the difference being it is shareware instead of under a third party licensing, and anybody can create one! UTAUloids, similarly to VOCALOIDs, are virtual singers to put it simply. To make an UTAUloid, a user would record samples of themself talking/singing strings of syllables in almost any language, sometimes recording the same reclist (recording list or recite list) multiple times at different pitches to achieve a voice with a wider singing range. These collections of recordings are referred to as a voice library or voicebank.
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