Sylvain is a playable character that appears in Fire Emblem: Three Houses and Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. Sylvain is a student at the Officers Academy who hails from the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus and is a member of the Blue Lions. He possesses a minor Crest of Gautier. He is 19 years old at the start of the game. Caring for his friends and admired as an older brother figure in his class, Sylvain is a perpetual skirt-chaser and often attempts to woo women with sweet words to a fault, with the most notable example including Ingrid's grandmother when he was only eight. He is fond of women but his easygoing, shallow, womanizing behavior stems from the fact that he feels unable to form proper romances, and so he dates around without any particular commitment. Despite his light-hearted manner, he is often inconsiderate with his words around women, which cause him unintentional harm - even admitting in a support with Ingrid that the truth hurts. This builds up unintentional notoriety on himself, such as Flayn avoiding him for that exact reason, even though he wanted to pass her a message from Byleth. As the game progresses, Sylvain decides to make a change for himself by being who he is, and not what his Crest dictates him to be. Due to his philandering, his proposals are often met with skepticism, which in turn prompts him to provide proof that he intends to turn a new leaf. In his married endings, Sylvain treats all of his children with equal respect, regardless if they bore Crests or not. Despite the impression he gives off to people he's actually quite intelligent, being shown to easily grasp complicated magic formulas at a glance when magic isn't even one of his areas of expertise, which is referenced in his budding talent of Reason. In his supports with Annette it is seen that he intentionally leads people to think he is not very smart because he dislikes the pressure of people's expectations and them believing they know what he is capable of, saying he finds it suffocating. In his supports with Dedue, Sylvain explains his suspicions behind the Tragedy of Duscur, as Duscur and Faerghus had enjoyed good relations up until that point and the fact that the king's elite guard was effortlessly slaughtered, a feat not plausible for a smaller, less skilled military. Sylvain holds a strong level of disdain for the way Crests influence the lives of those in Fódlan, with a bulk of his dialogue throughout the story focusing on their negative impact, and showing sympathy and envy in his supports with Mercedes and Byleth respectively. Furthermore, he holds noble women in contempt, as he believes they show interest in him solely due to his Crest in an attempt to curry favor with him without actually getting to know him. Despite this, in conversations with Byleth, Sylvain admits that hating women is merely an "easy answer" and seems to recognize that he cannot blame them for all his problems. It is because of his Crest that he had a rough childhood with Miklan, though he did not hold a grudge against his brother because he already knew the reason behind his aggression. Following Miklan's death however, Sylvain only held pity for him.
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