Set in a fantasy world where people are born with the divine protection of one of many gods, which grants them special abilities. The story centers on Red, born with the protection of the Guide, which grants him only a high initial level. He joins the party of his sister, born with the protection of the Hero, as their party sets out to defeat the Demon Lord. But soon, Red's high level cannot keep up with his lack of equipment, magic, or martial ability, and he is driven out by a fellow party member who claims that he is no true companion. Crestfallen, Red decides to head to the frontier territory of Zoltan, distancing himself from the fateful confrontation with the Demon Lord, and use his skills to start an apothecary to earn money. With a half-elf carpenter and a princess who also couldn't be a party member of the hero, Red begins a relaxed frontier life.
Set in a fantasy world where people are born with the divine protection of one of many gods, which grants them special abilities. The story centers on Red, born with the protection of the Guide, which grants him only a high initial level. He joins the party of his sister, born with the protection of the Hero, as their party sets out to defeat the Demon Lord. But soon, Red's high level cannot keep up with his lack of equipment, magic, or martial ability, and he is driven out by a fellow party member who claims that he is no true companion. Crestfallen, Red decides to head to the frontier territory of Zoltan, distancing himself from the fateful confrontation with the Demon Lord, and use his skills to start an apothecary to earn money. With a half-elf carpenter and a princess who also couldn't be a party member of the hero, Red begins a relaxed frontier life.
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