Set in late-nineteenth-century England, the first season follows Ciel Phantomhive, the head of the Phantomhive family and the Queen's Watchdog. Though a mere adolescent, he had suffered tremendously; his beloved parents were brutally murdered, and he was subsequently abducted and violently tortured. Seeking revenge, he set up a Faustian contract with his demon butler Sebastian Michaelis, trading his soul in the process. Together, they stealthily monitor the underground society of London, under the command of the Queen, to investigate and eliminate those who commit evil. Kuroshitsuji diverged from the manga storyline after the Indian Butler Arc. Kuroshitsuji: Book of Circus, the third anime series debuted on July 11, 2014, and picked up at where the first season left off (Episode 15) by adapting the Circus Arc of the manga. It has followed the manga since then.
Set in late-nineteenth-century England, the first season follows Ciel Phantomhive, the head of the Phantomhive family and the Queen's Watchdog. Though a mere adolescent, he had suffered tremendously; his beloved parents were brutally murdered, and he was subsequently abducted and violently tortured. Seeking revenge, he set up a Faustian contract with his demon butler Sebastian Michaelis, trading his soul in the process. Together, they stealthily monitor the underground society of London, under the command of the Queen, to investigate and eliminate those who commit evil. Kuroshitsuji diverged from the manga storyline after the Indian Butler Arc. Kuroshitsuji: Book of Circus, the third anime series debuted on July 11, 2014, and picked up at where the first season left off (Episode 15) by adapting the Circus Arc of the manga. It has followed the manga since then.
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