Hitori Gotoh, also known as "Bocchi-chan," is an extremely shy and insidious girl, who always says "Ah" at the beginning of her sentence. She longed for a band activity that seemed to shine even for herself, but since, she had no friends, she decided to spend six hours a day in middle high school playing the guitar alone. She noticed that was a delusion about posting a good guitar performance video on the internet as "guitarhero" or playing an active part at a school festival concert, instead of finding a band member, she was a high school student without making any friends! One day, she was one step before hikikomori (shut-in), and one day she was called out by Nijika Ijichi, who is playing drums in "Kessoku Band", and that kind of daily life changes little by little.
Hitori Gotoh, also known as "Bocchi-chan," is an extremely shy and insidious girl, who always says "Ah" at the beginning of her sentence. She longed for a band activity that seemed to shine even for herself, but since, she had no friends, she decided to spend six hours a day in middle high school playing the guitar alone. She noticed that was a delusion about posting a good guitar performance video on the internet as "guitarhero" or playing an active part at a school festival concert, instead of finding a band member, she was a high school student without making any friends! One day, she was one step before hikikomori (shut-in), and one day she was called out by Nijika Ijichi, who is playing drums in "Kessoku Band", and that kind of daily life changes little by little.
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