The Kirby series is an ongoing franchise of video games starring the eponymous character, Kirby, and created by Masahiro Sakurai and developed by HAL Laboratory. It is one of Nintendo's most popular and best-selling franchises, selling over 35 million units since its debut.[1] The series is known for its bright and artistic setting, cute characters, cheerful and upbeat music, and, most notably: the ability to inhale, swallow, and copy the abilities of enemies.
The Kirby series is an ongoing franchise of video games starring the eponymous character, Kirby, and created by Masahiro Sakurai and developed by HAL Laboratory. It is one of Nintendo's most popular and best-selling franchises, selling over 35 million units since its debut.[1] The series is known for its bright and artistic setting, cute characters, cheerful and upbeat music, and, most notably: the ability to inhale, swallow, and copy the abilities of enemies.
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