In the beautiful land of Astraea where a gentle breeze blows, a young man named Yuuki awakens with no memory of his past. There he encounters a guide who has sworn to care for him, Kokkoro; a lovely swordswoman who's always feeling peckish, Pecorine; and a cat-eared sorceress with a prickly attitude, Karyl. Led by fate, these four come together to form the "Gourmet Guild." And so their adventure begins
In the beautiful land of Astraea where a gentle breeze blows, a young man named Yuuki awakens with no memory of his past. There he encounters a guide who has sworn to care for him, Kokkoro; a lovely swordswoman who's always feeling peckish, Pecorine; and a cat-eared sorceress with a prickly attitude, Karyl. Led by fate, these four come together to form the "Gourmet Guild." And so their adventure begins
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