Image for the work Komi Can't Communicate

Komi Can't Communicate

Original Name
Romaji Name
Komi-san wa Komyushou desu.
Release Date


It's Shouko Komi's first day at the prestigious Itan Private High School, and she has already risen to the status of the school's Madonna. With long black hair and a tall, graceful appearance, she captures the attention of anyone who comes across her. There's just one problem though—despite her popularity, Shouko is terrible at communicating with others. Hitohito Tadano is your average high school boy. With his life motto of "read the situation and make sure to stay away from trouble," he quickly finds that sitting next to Shouko has made him the enemy of everyone in his class! One day, knocked out by accident, Hitohito later wakes up to the sound of Shouko's "meow." He lies that he heard nothing, causing Shouko to run away. But before she can escape, Hitohito surmises that Shouko is not able to talk to others easily—in fact, she has never been able to make a single friend. Hitohito resolves to help Shouko with her goal of making one hundred friends so that she can overcome her communication disorder.

TV12 Episodes
Display picture for Shouko Komi

Shouko Komi

Display picture for Shuuko Komi

Shuuko Komi

古見 秀子
Display picture for Najimi Osana

Najimi Osana

Display picture for Nene Onemine

Nene Onemine

尾根峰 ねね
Display picture for Omoharu Nakanaka

Omoharu Nakanaka

中々 思春
Display picture for Kaede Otori

Kaede Otori

尾鶏 楓
Display picture for Rumiko Manbagi

Rumiko Manbagi

万場木 留美子
Display picture for Himiko Agari

Himiko Agari

上理 卑美子
Display picture for Hitohito Tadano

Hitohito Tadano

只野 仁人
Display picture for Shousuke Komi

Shousuke Komi

古見 笑介
Display picture for Ren Yamai

Ren Yamai

山井 恋
Display picture for Hitomi Tadano

Hitomi Tadano

只野 瞳
Display picture for Chika Netsuno

Chika Netsuno

根津野 ちか
Display picture for Makeru Yadano

Makeru Yadano

Display picture for Rei Natsukido

Rei Natsukido

夏木戸 零
Display picture for Katai Makoto

Katai Makoto

片居 誠
Display picture for Shibuki Ase

Shibuki Ase

Display picture for Nokoko Inaka

Nokoko Inaka

井中 のこ子
Display picture for Akira Komi

Akira Komi

古見 晶
Display picture for Chusaku Kometani

Chusaku Kometani

米谷 忠釈
Display picture for Akako Onigashima

Akako Onigashima

鬼ヶ島 朱子
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Ayami Sasaki

佐々木 あやみ
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Katou Mikuni

加藤 三九二
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Display picture for Odoka Shizuka
Display picture for Himeko Kishi

Himeko Kishi

岸 姫子
Display picture for Kamiko Arai

Kamiko Arai

新井 嘉美子
Display picture for Ryouko Komi

Ryouko Komi

古見 良子
Display picture for Mono Shinobino

Mono Shinobino

忍野 裳乃
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Shishuto Naruse

成瀬 詩守斗
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Amami Satou

左藤 甘美
Display picture for Masayoshi Komi

Masayoshi Komi

古見 将賀
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Shigeo Chiarai

地洗井 茂夫
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Hoshiko Teshigawara

Display picture for Ko no haha
Display picture for Gorimi


Display picture for Kawai Rami

Kawai Rami

河かわ合い 羅ら美み

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