The story revolves around Auto Memories Dolls; dolls initially created by a scientist to assist his blind wife with writing her novels, and later rented out to other people who needed their services. While the initial function of these Auto Memories Dolls is only to generate voices into text, a second group of people created a company that rented out beautiful, talented women who, while having the same function as the original Auto Memories Dolls, can also perform military-related tasks.
The story revolves around Auto Memories Dolls; dolls initially created by a scientist to assist his blind wife with writing her novels, and later rented out to other people who needed their services. While the initial function of these Auto Memories Dolls is only to generate voices into text, a second group of people created a company that rented out beautiful, talented women who, while having the same function as the original Auto Memories Dolls, can also perform military-related tasks.
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