The plot revolves around an antisocial high school student named Hachiman Hikigaya, who is a loner and cynic with a distorted view on life and has no friends or girlfriend. Hachiman is self-depreciating and seeks to avoid other people. However, when he hands in an offensive school report, his teacher forces him to join the "Volunteer/Service Club". The club's president and only other member, is Yukino Yukinoshita, another loner, whom he considers the school's prettiest and smartest girl. Despite their contrasting personalities and ideals, they must work together to offer help and advice to others as part of their school's Service Club. It largely depicts various social situations faced by teens in a high school setting and the psychology driving their interactions. The story is told from the main character, Hachiman Hikigaya's point of view, meaning the audience is given the same information that the main character is.
The plot revolves around an antisocial high school student named Hachiman Hikigaya, who is a loner and cynic with a distorted view on life and has no friends or girlfriend. Hachiman is self-depreciating and seeks to avoid other people. However, when he hands in an offensive school report, his teacher forces him to join the "Volunteer/Service Club". The club's president and only other member, is Yukino Yukinoshita, another loner, whom he considers the school's prettiest and smartest girl. Despite their contrasting personalities and ideals, they must work together to offer help and advice to others as part of their school's Service Club. It largely depicts various social situations faced by teens in a high school setting and the psychology driving their interactions. The story is told from the main character, Hachiman Hikigaya's point of view, meaning the audience is given the same information that the main character is.
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