Goddess of Victory: Nikke takes place in a distant future where mankind is forced to retreat in an underground city known as the 'Ark', due to the Raptures, quasi-mechanical-like alien life forms who decided to take over Earth and wreak havoc upon humanity. As a last ditch effort to reclaim the surface after numerous failures, humanity joined forces to establish the "United Forces of Humanity" and began developing the "Nikkes," female warriors capable of fighting the Raptures.
Goddess of Victory: Nikke takes place in a distant future where mankind is forced to retreat in an underground city known as the 'Ark', due to the Raptures, quasi-mechanical-like alien life forms who decided to take over Earth and wreak havoc upon humanity. As a last ditch effort to reclaim the surface after numerous failures, humanity joined forces to establish the "United Forces of Humanity" and began developing the "Nikkes," female warriors capable of fighting the Raptures.
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