Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School is a dreamlike school with a 100% admission and employment rate, and monthly points equivalent to 100,000 yen in cash are paid. However, in reality, it is a school where only a few high-achieving students receive preferential treatment. As the third term begins, Ayanokouji and his friends, who have been promoted from D class to C class, head to a school trip. A special exam called "Mixed Camp" will be held there, which is a joint event for all grades. As the name suggests, it is an exam where groups are formed by dividing students by gender, and multiple classes are mixed into each group. The exam is scored on a group basis, and students from other classes who have been scattered and competing so far must cooperate to get a high score. In addition, the rule is that a dropout will be expelled from the group that did not reach the border line. The turbulent third term that will spark a commotion is now about to begin!
Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School is a dreamlike school with a 100% admission and employment rate, and monthly points equivalent to 100,000 yen in cash are paid. However, in reality, it is a school where only a few high-achieving students receive preferential treatment. As the third term begins, Ayanokouji and his friends, who have been promoted from D class to C class, head to a school trip. A special exam called "Mixed Camp" will be held there, which is a joint event for all grades. As the name suggests, it is an exam where groups are formed by dividing students by gender, and multiple classes are mixed into each group. The exam is scored on a group basis, and students from other classes who have been scattered and competing so far must cooperate to get a high score. In addition, the rule is that a dropout will be expelled from the group that did not reach the border line. The turbulent third term that will spark a commotion is now about to begin!
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