Illyasviel von Einzbern is a seemingly ordinary middle school student with no knowledge of the magical world. When the Kaleidostick Magical Ruby selects Illya to become its new master, she becomes a Magical Girl who collects Class Cards together with another Magical Girl, Miyu. Rin and Luvia were originally Magical Girls that were supposed to collect the Cards, but after trying to use Class Cards in a quarrel, Kaleidosticks abandoned them (in mid-air) and went on to independently search for new masters. Ruby made a contract with Illya, and Sapphire with Miyu.
Illyasviel von Einzbern is a seemingly ordinary middle school student with no knowledge of the magical world. When the Kaleidostick Magical Ruby selects Illya to become its new master, she becomes a Magical Girl who collects Class Cards together with another Magical Girl, Miyu. Rin and Luvia were originally Magical Girls that were supposed to collect the Cards, but after trying to use Class Cards in a quarrel, Kaleidosticks abandoned them (in mid-air) and went on to independently search for new masters. Ruby made a contract with Illya, and Sapphire with Miyu.
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