Suddenly, high school student Natsuki Subaru has been summoned to another world on the way back from the convenience store. After being summoned to another world and no sign of the one who summoned him, things become worse when he is attacked. However, when he is saved by a mysterious silver-haired girl and her companion, a spirit named Puck, Subaru cooperates with the girl to return the favor by helping to find something that was stolen from her. When they finally manage to get a clue and go to the place it was gonna be sold Subaru and the girl are mysteriously attacked and killed by someone. Subaru then awakens hours before his and the silver haired girls death. After dying a couple more times with the same result he dubs his ability "Return by Death." Subaru is a helpless boy that only has the ability to rewind time by dying. Despite the despair, can he rewrite history and save that girl from a fated death?
Suddenly, high school student Natsuki Subaru has been summoned to another world on the way back from the convenience store. After being summoned to another world and no sign of the one who summoned him, things become worse when he is attacked. However, when he is saved by a mysterious silver-haired girl and her companion, a spirit named Puck, Subaru cooperates with the girl to return the favor by helping to find something that was stolen from her. When they finally manage to get a clue and go to the place it was gonna be sold Subaru and the girl are mysteriously attacked and killed by someone. Subaru then awakens hours before his and the silver haired girls death. After dying a couple more times with the same result he dubs his ability "Return by Death." Subaru is a helpless boy that only has the ability to rewind time by dying. Despite the despair, can he rewrite history and save that girl from a fated death?
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